Our Expertise
3D modelling and design, for which we use Catia V5 software.
Main activities: product concept elaboration and definition, solid and surface 3D modelling, drawing and drafting.
We are supported by dedicated softwares.
Main activities: verification and structural definition, static and dynamic calculations.
We industrialise the product with the objective to comply with our customers’ technical
requirements while maintaining the highest quality standards.
Main activities: work cycles and bill of materials processing, production process optimisation.
Lamination of composite material is carried out in two clean rooms qualified by Leonardo and Boeing. Our Clean Rooms are equipped with laser projectors, manual and automated ply cutting areas.
For parts requiring heat and pressure curing, a dedicated area with 4 autoclaves with a maximum size of 2.7 x 8.5 m is available. All autoclaves use Eurotherm electronic recording systems, which allows us to guarantee cycles’ segregation in an encrypted digital archive.
We carry out the cutting and milling of the Honeycomb core, structural element of 'sandwich' panels, through semi-automatic and CNC processes (maximum size 6500 x 2600 x 1300 mm).
We perform mechanical machining of small and medium-sized flight parts on 3-, 4- and 5-axis machining centers with a maximum size of 2.5 x 2.2 x 1.1 meters.
We perform mechanical turning machining of small and medium-sized parts on 3- and 6-axis lathes.
We design and maintain cryogenic equipment.
We assemble medium and large assys and sub-assys, both structural and non-structural, in dedicated temperature and humidity controlled areas.
We carry out assemblies of small and medium-sized assys and sub-assys.
We carry out assemblies of sub-assys and small to medium-sized mechanical kits, e.g., helicopters’ pilot and passenger door locks.
We perform ultrasonic non-destructive testing, for which we use 4-axis machines as well as 2-axis machines. We are qualified by Leonardo and Boeing.
We perform dimensional controls of large assembled parts, assembly tools, laminating tools and composite parts through MMC arms and laser trackers.
We carry out calibrations of specific instruments and tools.
We carry out automated trimming and contouring of laminated parts. We can contour and drill simple and complex surfaces on parts made of composite materials, plastics and wood using CNC machines.
We carry out manual trimming and contouring on composite parts. We have a dedicated area for trimming as well as an EMA area for bonding/sealing.
We manufacture and design small and medium-size bonding tools, trimming tools and assembly gigs according to customer specifications and tolerances. We make and certify composite and soft tools.
We prepare parts for painting by sanding and filling them in dedicated areas.
We apply primers and final paint in special booths with a maximum size of 5.0 x 5.0 x 15.0 meters according to customer's requirements by conducting final product testing.
We perform structural bonding of metal, plastic and composite parts.
We carry out treatment of parts prior to painting (washing, phosphodegreasing, surface treatment, drying) on automated systems using dedicated tunnels and blow-drying stations, supported by anthropomorphic robots.
We carry out aesthetic painting and protective application on fully automated systems using anthropomorphic robots, pick-to-light technology.
We carry out structural sealing of metal, plastic and composite parts.
Our Certifications

This accreditation certifies that the organization has the ability to consistently provide a product or service that conforms to technical specifications and customer requirements and obtains the information to improve the product or service and associated processes.

This accreditation certifies the supplier's ability to consistently deliver a product or service that conforms to technical specifications and customer requirements and is a guide to improving the product or service and associated processes.

ISO 9001
The 9001 quality management system is a strategic risk prevention and management tool aimed at customer satisfaction, increasing the value of services and products and improving company performance.

UNI EN 9100
The 9100 quality management system ensures compliance with international safety requirements and the consistent delivery of quality products, processes and services.

IATF 16949
Quality Management System 16949 ensures quality requirements for continuous improvement, prevention of defects and reduction of variation and waste in the automotive supply chain.

ISO 14001
This accreditation certifies that the company manages its environmental activities and demonstrates its commitment to:
A. limit pollution.
B. meet legal and other applicable enviromental requirements.
C. continuously improve its environmental management system so as to improve its environmental performance in an overall sense.

ISO 45001
This accreditation certifies that the organisation ensures the protection of employees and visitors from work-related accidents and illnesses.

UNI/PdR 125:2022
This accreditation certifies that the organisation ensures an inclusive working environment that is attentive to the well-being of all employees.

ISO 27001
This accreditation certifies that the organisation guarantees the protection of information.
Our Awards

Budgetary Performance High Honor 2024
AVIOMAN has been awarded with the Budgetary Performance High Honor in 2023, on the basis of a survey carried out on 700.000 companies in South of Italy, as best management performance and financial trustworthiness.

Budgetary Performance High Honor 2024
TMC has been awarded with the Budgetary Performance High Honor in 2023, on the basis of a survey carried out on 700.000 companies in South of Italy, as best management performance and financial trustworthiness.

BPER Award for 'Enterprise Value 2024'
Manta Group, along with two other Apulian companies, was recognized for their groundbreaking and sustainable approach to business and their ability to drive growth both within and beyond the region's economy.

Excellencies of Puglia
This award is granted to the exceptional Apulian talents and companies who have left their mark in the fields of business, entertainment, science, and gastronomy.

100 Italian Excellencies 2023
MANTA GROUP has been awarded as one of the 100 Italian Excellencies. The selection, made by a permanent Observatory of Excellencies, supported by a Committee of Honor, has been patronazed by the Italian Prime Minister's Office and 11 Italian Ministries.

Budgetary Performance High Honor 2023
TMC has been awarded with the Budgetary Performance High Honor in 2023, on the basis of a survey carried out on 700.000 companies in South of Italy, as best management performance and financial trustworthiness.

Budgetary Performance High Honor 2022
MANTA GROUP has been awarded with the Budgetary Performance High Honor in 2022, on the basis of a survey carried out on 700.000 companies in Italy, as best management performance and financial trustworthiness.

Cribis Prime Company 2022
AVIOMAN (part of MANTA GROUP) certified as Cribis Prime Company, a recognition of maxi-mum commercial reliability, based on the CRIBIS Rating, a dynamic and constan-tly updated indicator of the reliability of a company.

Elite Certification 2022
MANTA GROUP has been one of the 22 companies selected by Leonardo to participate in the Elite-Leonardo lounge, a path towards excellence and capital markets access for SMEs.

Leonardo Vision for Growth Award 2022
MANTA GROUP received the Vision for Growth Award 2022 by Leonardo for its dynamism and effectiveness in achieving the objectives of the LEAP program.

Leonardo Sustainability Award 2022
For the second consecutive year, MANTA GROUP received the Sustainability Award 2022 from Leonardo in recognition of its achievements and commitment to sustainable development.

Leonardo Sustanaibility Award 2021
MANTA GROUP has been one of the 10 suppliers awarded by Leonardo with the Sustainability Award 2021 for achievement and commitment to sustainable development.

Imprese Vincenti competition - 2019
MANTA GROUP was one of the 120 companies winning Imprese Vincenti competition among 1.800 candidates
Selection performed by IntesaSanPaolo, Elite, Bain & Company and Gambero Rosso
Selection criteria: Investments and Innovation, Sustaina-bility, People and competence, Internatio-nalization, Relationship with the territory, generational transition.