Manta Group – supplying excellence

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Rights Protection

Manta Group is committed to the respect and protection of Human Rights and demands the same commitment from all its stakeholders. The company ensures a working environment that values uniqueness and diversity as fundamental resources for the development of humanity.

Corporate Welfare

The primary objective of the group is to achieve working conditions that are functional to the protection of the psycho-physical integrity and health of workers as well as respect for their moral personality, avoiding discrimination, unlawful conditioning and undue hardship.


At the core of our approach is the adoption of merit, competence and strictly professional criteria for any decision related to the employment relationship with our employees and external collaborators, avoiding discriminatory practices in the selection, recruitment, training, management, development and remuneration of personnel.




Corporate Accountability

Sustainability is the basis for our daily actions and our plans for future development.

Sustainable development in MANTA GROUP means thinking about the consequences of every action we take today. Being a sustainable enterprise means to us embracing all areas of corporate life and taking into account our social responsability.

Key Areas