Manta Group – supplying excellence

manta group - cetma dihsme edih

Manta Group present for the inauguration of Digital Innovation Hub Network, CTMA-DIHSME EDIH

The inauguration of CETMA-DIHSME, a distinguished innovation hub of the EDIH European Digital Innovation Hub Network, took place in Brindisi on May 25th, 2024. This hub is a crucial platform that aims to provide innovation services for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises and non-economic organizations in the public sector.

Notable individuals such as Minister Raffaele Fitto and Councillor Alessandro Delli Noci and prominent businesses, institutions, universities, and regional research centres participated in the inaugural event. Among them, Milena Sinigaglia, a professor at the University of Foggia and President of Dare Puglia, and Fabio Pollice, the Rector of the University of Salento. These are entities with whom Manta Group has fostered close collaborations in recent years.

Manta Group, under the leadership of CEO Michele Frisoli, played a crucial role in the MULCOM project, where they were the lead partner and cooperated with CINECA, an HPC provider, and CETMA, a center specializing in composite materials. This project stands as a shining example of successful cooperation between companies and Innovative Hubs.

With the establishment of DIHSME, CETMA will coordinate the various districts and support Puglia and Basilicata.

With the birth of the DIHSME, the CETMA will coordinate the various districts and support Puglia and Basilicata.

Michele Frisoli emphasized, “Collaboration is essential for the development of digital technologies for SMEs in a rapidly evolving world. On one hand, collaboration offers incredible opportunities, but on the other hand, it can widen skill and competitive gaps. Puglia and its SMEs can and must follow this path by learning to work together.”

A special thanks to Roberto Morabito and Marco Alvisi, President and Director, respectively, and to all the CETMA staff for the invitation, the constant support, and this now historic collaboration.

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